Keine Wohnung? keine Sorge!

1 Large Green Bell Pepper
1 Small Onion
2 Dragon Fruits
1 Red Chili
Chop everything up into small bits and put into a bowl. That was easy huh?
Enjoy this special dish brought to you by Slider Revolution.

2 Pieces of Baguette
3 Large Tomatoes
1 / 2 Cup of Mixed Herbs
1 Red Chili
Chop everything up into small bits and put into a bowl. That was easy huh?
Enjoy this special dish brought to you by Slider Revolution.

250g Spaghettis
500g of Mixed Minced Beef
3 Large Tomatoes
Chop everything up into small bits and put into a bowl. That was easy huh?
Enjoy this special dish brought to you by Slider Revolution.

15g Chives
100g Cottage Cheese
1 Bun
Chop everything up into small bits and put into a bowl. That was easy huh?
Enjoy this special dish brought to you by Slider Revolution.

250g Mixed Salad
50g Nuts
100g Beetroot
Your Favorite Dressing
Chop everything up into small bits and put into a bowl. That was easy huh?
Enjoy this special dish brought to you by Slider Revolution.

150ml Milk
50g Cornflakes
That's it!
Chop everything up into small bits and put into a bowl. That was easy huh?
Enjoy this special dish brought to you by Slider Revolution.

150ml Milk
50g Granola
50g Blueberries
Chop everything up into small bits and put into a bowl. That was easy huh?
Enjoy this special dish brought to you by Slider Revolution.

150ml Milk
50g Granola
50g Blueberries
Chop everything up into small bits and put into a bowl. That was easy huh?
Enjoy this special dish brought to you by Slider Revolution.
Studienkolleg Duisburg & Essen bietet den Kursteilnehmenden ab sofort WG-Zimmer an. Alle WGs und haben ein Bad/WC, eine Wohnküche und teilweise auch ein Wohnzimmer.
Die Zimmer sind alle möbliert und Sie können ohne weiteres direkt einziehen.
Sie können hier ein WG-Zimmer buchen oder reservieren. Wir können die Reservierung nur berücksichtigen, wenn sie mindestens 3 Monate vorm Kursbeginn durchgeführt wird. Bei einer kurzfristigen Anfrage kontaktieren Sie bitte unser Büro.
Standard-Apartment: WG-Zimmer
- Beschreibung: Eigenes Zimmer, Gemeinschaftsküche & -bad
- Entfernung: ca. 5 – 30 Minuten
- Preis: 480€ bis 550€ pro Monat
- Mietdauer: ab 6 Monaten
Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Mindestmietdauer 6 Monate beträgt.